/ Highlight.hs - highlights generated Html

Highlight is a tampered version of John MacFarlane's highlighting-kate library. It exposes some of the internals to allow for custom highlighting. The highlighting simply lexes and applies token wrappers around atoms. For example:

"import" -> (KeywordTok, "import")

After being rendered to Html the previous tokenized atom is represented as:

<span class="kw">import</span>

An overview of the file:

<< * >>=
<< define Highlight module >>
<< import modules >>
<< highlight text by language >>
<< transform tokenized line to html >>
<< transform token to html >>
<< token to class name >>
<< lookup language by file extension >>

Highlight exports highlight to tokenize html, and getLang which uses a lookup to return the language for a given file extension.

<< define Highlight module >>=
module Highlight (highlight, getLang) where

Highlight does not depend on any modules local to lit. It really repackages the functionality from highlighting-kate.

<< import modules >>=
import qualified Data.Text as T 
import Data.Monoid (mconcat)

import Text.Blaze (toValue, (!))
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as A
import Text.Highlighting.Kate ( defaultFormatOpts
                              , highlightAs
                              , languagesByFilename )
import Text.Highlighting.Kate.Types 

highlight transforms text into Html that can be stylized with Css. This is accomplished by tokenizing the text into type SourceLine an alias for a list of tokens which are converted to Html.

<< highlight text by language >>=
highlight :: String -> T.Text -> H.Html
highlight lang txt = 
        highlighted = highlightAs lang (T.unpack txt)
        htmlList = map sourceLineToHtml highlighted
        mconcat htmlList

This helper function transforms a list of tokens into Html.

<< transform tokenized line to html >>=
sourceLineToHtml :: SourceLine -> H.Html
sourceLineToHtml line = mconcat $  htmlList ++ [H.toHtml "\n"]
        htmlList = map (tokenToHtml defaultFormatOpts) line

This helper function transforms a single token into Html.

<< transform token to html >>=
tokenToHtml :: FormatOptions -> Token -> H.Html
tokenToHtml _ (NormalTok, str)  = H.toHtml str
tokenToHtml opts (toktype, str) =
    if titleAttributes opts
    then sp ! A.title (toValue $ show toktype)
    else sp 
        where sp = H.span ! A.class_ (toValue $ short toktype) $ H.toHtml str

When a TokenType is transformed to Html the short function provides the Html class attribute value.

<< token to class name >>=
short :: TokenType -> String
short KeywordTok        = "kw"
short DataTypeTok       = "dt"
short DecValTok         = "dv"
short BaseNTok          = "bn"
short FloatTok          = "fl"
short CharTok           = "ch"
short StringTok         = "st"
short CommentTok        = "co"
short OtherTok          = "ot"
short AlertTok          = "al"
short FunctionTok       = "fu"
short RegionMarkerTok   = "re"
short ErrorTok          = "er"
short NormalTok         = ""

A utility exported by Highlight which provides the language for a given file path.

<< lookup language by file extension >>=
getLang path = 
    case languagesByFilename path of
    [] -> ""
    lst -> head lst